Tuesday, March 1

Pre-Op Jitters

Today is my pre-op appointment. I have never been as scared/worried/anxious of a surgery as I am this one. Like I have said before, it is fear that I have never felt before. . . I have never dealt with emotions of this intensity and I do not know how to deal with them. . .

It is not the surgery itself that I am scared of, as that is the easy part, and I have had my share of surgeries (this is #7 since the baby was born 2 years ago). But rather, the potential complications and pain. . . The last surgery I had, resulted in the worst pain I have ever experienced. And prior to that, after the baby was born, I ended up inpatient for 2 weeks and then sent home on a wound vac ~ OUCH! And all of the ones inbetween had their own issues ~ only 2 went as planned. . .

So, as I go into this appointment today, I have my list of questions, my Rosary in my pocket, and my prayer that this will go as planned and there will be no complications or abnormal pain afterwards. . .

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