Thursday, June 16

The Many Emotions of a Hysterectomy. . .

  • Grateful --> That I am not longer dealing with the multitude of issues that I was dealing with prior. The endometriosis, adenomyosis, and (right) ovarian cysts are forever gone. No more transfusions from as a result of a bad month. . .
  • Sad --> That which my body used to give life, is no longer a part of me. It was discarded with the trash. . .
  • Blessed --> That the doctors took the decision of the surgery out of my hands and scheduled it themselves. Otherwise, this would have never happened. And for my fabulous friend (*wink *wink) for without her help, this surgery would have been even harder. She took on the role of surrogate mommy and we are truly grateful . .
  • Relieved --> That I came out of the surgery still feeling like a woman. Even though I am missing certain parts now, I am no less a woman than I was a few months ago. . .
  • Frustrated --> That we are 15 weeks out from the surgery and I am still dealing with A LOT of pain. . . Albeit different pain than it was prior, pain is pain and it sucks!
  • Surprise/Anger --> With all of the ups and downs that have come with this recovery. I thought my age was definitely a benefit, but it seems that it was instead a curse. . .
  • Joy --> With how incredible my husband has been through all of this. Neither one of us saw this in our future when we said I do nearly 8 years ago. But, over the past 2 1/2 years, he has learned to just roll with things. To be okay with how things happen. . . I could not have made it through this without him! Thank you, my love for everything!

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