Saturday, June 11

Helping or Hurting?

I have 2 chiropractor sessions under my belt, and the pain has not eased. At my appointment on Thursday, all he did was some stretching and the wonderful neuro stim. There was absolutely no manipulation in the nerve area or any of the surrounding structures as he did not want to cause any further pain. . .

I again left and as soon as I arrived home, I snuggled into my hubby's arm (you know that fabulous spot on their chest where they can wrap their arm around you and let you know that it will be okay?!?!?) and began to sob. They were tears of pain, frustration, agony, exhaustion, etc etc. I know that it has only been just over 3 months since my hysterectomy, but the drama began when I became pregnant 32(ish) months ago and we never expected to be where we are today. . .

So, as I sit here today, I hurt. I hurt worse then I did pre-chiro. Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Or does it mean absolutely nothing? I do not know, but I do know that I can not continue like this. . .

However, I do think that I have come to a conclusion and that is to seek that "second" opinion from the illioinguinal nerve specialist. Even my chiro says that he has never dealt with this nerve (GREAT!), so, hearing from a sub-specialist that we are on the right or wrong track is what I need. At this point, the primary pain docs have thrown their hands up unless I want to spend lots of money on a surgery that may not work and if it does will only provide 50% relief at best.

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