Example number one: I cry at Mass. Almost every Sunday (or Saturday), after communion, the tears begin! Last night was no different except that they were more like so

Example number two: Breastfeeding. Man, I could not advocate more for it. In fact, this is World Breastfeeding Week and I have even shed tears over the fact that I am not able to participate this year. . . I almost think that I am turning into a breastfeeding Nazi of sorts! I have even found myself looking up how to become IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) certified. Right now, it is too much with the homeschooling and my issues, but one day!
Example number three: I am taking steps to teach NFP. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but have now officially made all of the contacts and am just waiting on the funding to take the courses. I am SO excited about this one!
Example number four: My love of family, faith, and fertility. I am now beginning to understand some of the why's behind the way my mom did things.
and this post made ME cry.....loved it ((hugs))