Saturday, July 23

Thank you, God :-)

I thank God everyday that the decision was taken out of my hands. I will forever remember that day in January when my doctor wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed. He told me that it was time to schedule my total hysterectomy. That it was now his decision that this be done and if I canceled it, as I threatened to do, that he would reschedule. And thus began the countdown to March 3, 2011. . .

Slowly, we are easing into a new normal. The scars are fading, which I am both grateful for and hate. I am having an easier time talking about my hysterectomy and sharing my story. The pain is still very present and I am anxiously awaiting my appointment on August 8th with the pain med docs. . .

I feel like I am following God's plan for my life at this very moment, and that is an awesome feeling!

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