When Robert and I married nearly 8 years ago, we vowed to be true to one another in good times and in bad. In sickness and in health. To honor each other all the days of our lives. We both knew that in saying this, we were making a lifelong commitment to the other and to God. One that we could never get out of for any reason. We were also young and a bit naive. We thought that we were above all problems. . . in sickness? bad times? Does a cold and an argument about dinner count?! This was the magnitude of our issues. . .
Then came Robert's pregnancy which was picture perfect until delivery. We will never forget

April 8 of that year as we were sitting at the doctors office. I was contracting at 37wks and with each contraction, his heart rate decelerated. Finally, it went down and never came up. Our doctor rushed in and told us to get to the hospital asap as I needed an emergency c-section or we would lose the baby. . . Our pastor and my family met us there. We prayed. We cried. We rejoiced that the baby was still alive. After the c-section, my doctor informed me that I had a velementous cord and only 1/3 of it was attached to the placenta. On top of that, I was in the midst of a placental abruption, the same thing that claimed the life of my brother just 4 years prior. . .
When Little Robert was 4 months old, we had to make the hard decision to move away from my family and head to Jacksonville, FL, where his family lived a job was. This was a very hard time in our marriage. A lot of stress and anxiety. We were both starting new jobs, living with his mother, and I was away from my family for the first time in 22 years. . .
Shortly after we bought our 2nd house in our 2 years of marriage, we became pre

gnant with Hannah. Her pregnancy was nothing like Robert's. I was told from the get go that she would not make it, but sonogram after sonogram proved the docs wrong! I was having to get progesterone injections multiple times a week to *try* and prevent pre-term labor. At 20.3 weeks, I was admitted for the first of many times in labor. This continued for the next 13 weeks when she finally made her emergent arrival at 36 weeks because of another placental abruption. . .
When she turned 1, we bought and sold another home, only to find out that I, once again, was pregnant. This

time, I was scared. We were scared. My docs ordered a bunch of tests that showed some issues with my clotting factors and thus began the process of twice daily heparin injections and 2-3 doc visits a week until Wesley arrived at 7 months gestation. At 36 hours I was able to touch him with 1 finger and NO stroking as I could not stimulate him. While he was having his issues, I was having my own. Normally you go home 3 days after a c-section. Well, that time frame came and went. Finally, after a week, I was discharged, only to re-admitted 12 hours later for another week. Thus began the journey of the last 2 1/2 years. . .
I must honestly say that since Wesley's birth, our marriage has had more ups and downs than I can count. So much that I can easily see where people would say 'I am done' and walk away. But, I go back to our vows that we both took. Neither of us knew that this is what was in our future, but God did and He is giving us the strength, endurance, and love to make it through these rough times.
For many, these struggles would tear them apart, but for Robert and I, it has brought us together in ways I never could have imagined. It has done so much for us and while the trials are not over and there are still obstacles that lay ahead, I could not imagine any of it without him by my side, holding my hand and encouraging me with every step. Being my cheerleader when I am not. Holding me and wiping my tears as I cry. Being there for me. . .