Saturday, October 22

In my last post, I was VERY discouraged. I was at a point of hopelessness. The one thing that I had prayed for and hoped for was, in combination with another medicine, causing adverse side effects. I was completely beyond myself, feeling like everything was crashing down on me. The tears were flowing most of the night. I needed to be alone as I did not want the kiddos or my devoted spouse to see me THIS upset, but once you become a mom, there is no such thing as alone time or privacy. . . and maybe that night, that was a good thing. . .

After talking with the doc, it was decided to take one Lyrica only at night. I began this immediately and at first it helped. Then after a week, the swelling came back and this time, it was MUCH worse than before. I immediately went up the road to have my blood pressure checked (103/68) to make sure that was not the culprit, and it obviously, was not. So, I once again called the doc, but this time I not only called my pain management doc, but also my primary. Pain Management doc wanted me to come in the next morning, and while I was grateful that he did not think I needed to be seen right then, I was scared. My ankles were HUGE. I could not slide my feet into shoes, they were that huge. It was ridiculous.

So, since I was not comfortable, and I am persistent, I knew how to get in touch with my primary when I need to, and I took full advantage of it! I am grateful that I did, as he was able to connect the dots and tell me that it was the COMBO of 2 of my meds that were causing this. He said that although it was not dangerous, that I needed to stop the Lyrica. . .Not what I wanted to hear. It was stopped and within about a week, the swelling was nearly all gone. I still have some residual that just is not wanting to go away, but for the most part, it is resolved. To say that I feel defeated is an understatement. I wanted this to work. I want to be free of this. But, I guess I just need to be patient and trust that this is His will for now. . .

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